Tuesday, October 21, 2008

An Armor-bearer

Armor-bearer was one who actually carried the shield and armor of his leader as he went into battle, often acting as his personal assistant. For example, King Saul had King David as an armor-bearer assigned to him. In our modern-day, I see no one walking around fully suited in the classical armor of the early centuries. Nevertheless, in the spiritual realm, we continue to need our armor. Paul wrote and commands us to put on the full armor of God so that we can take our stand against the devil's schemes. Just as much as our early century counterparts, we in the ministry of service are to suit up in the Armor of the Spirit and carry the armor of God's leaders in the battle of faith.The term armor-bearer was originally translated from the Hebrew word, nasa, meaning to figuratively or literally lift up, support or simply help. On occasion, Bible translators have translated the word, "help", from the Hebrew word, nasa. In light of these defining terms, we can see an armor bearer is one that helps or supports the arms of an assigned leader during the times of battle. A modern day armor-bearer is one called by God to serve and help his assigned leader in life, ministry, and especially in the fight of faith. In essence, an armor bearer is called to attend to, minister to, care for, help, be of use, assist, benefit, promote, support, make easy for, nourish, and encourage their leader. Furthermore, God calls others to walk in the spirit of armor bearing.